Sunday, June 3, 2007


The architect for the massive new US "Embassy" in Baghdad put various drawings and plans up on the web. They were pulled down almost immediately, but survived, thanks to bloggers and Mother Jones. These are some of them. For all of it, please access:
They are clickable to enlarge.

As I said in DRANT # 238:
We ain't going anywhere.
The collusion between The War Government and The Democrats grows more apparent every hour.
With South Korea as an admitted model - for endless military occupation in support of US business interests-
We ain't going anywhere-
and more- we are going to continue to repeat this globally.
From DRANT 238:
U.S. Embassy in Iraq to be biggest ever;_ylt=Ahk.mv6lVWBSwXeHuVkRjdWs0NUE

U.S. Embassy site:

As the Pimp Congress twirls laboriously in its collusive shadow-dance of death with their fellow war-mongers from Big Business and its hired accomplices in Government-- many of us chant for ending the War, for immediate withdrawal, for bringing our boys home.
Let's be clear.
This "war" is a global never-ending continuation of all the wars that American Business and Government have partnered, perpetrated and perpetuated for hundreds of years. It is and always has been the endless war. This war is not going to be over.
By framing the debate in terms of withdrawal from Iraq, or ending the Iraq War, or "stopping" what is merely the current exercise of historical American colonialism, imperialism and domination by extreme force, we are not only missing the point, but ourselves colluding in the perpetuation of America's murderous policies.
Take a look at the soon-to-be-completed US (ahem) Embassy -- being built in The Green Zone right now.
Ladeez an gennamen, we ain't going ANYWHERE.

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