Wednesday, July 18, 2007


A quick note from the road -
Cindy Sheehan is travelling across the red states of the south, in the belly of the beast as Che so famously said-
She is not only NOT preaching to the choir, she is increasingly facing confrontational opposition from various groups, including the proto Brown shirts "Gathering of Eagles" -- a Vietnam Vet Motorcycle gang to whom I introduced you all when I wrote about the DC action March 07.
Cindy is out there in an RV, facing them, and facing the cops, and facing the truth and telling it.
Where the HELL are YOU ?
Do you think this is going to go away by itself, like some historic athlete's foot ?

The Democrats put on a disgraceful charade last night-
YakYakYak all night long- as if - as if they couldn't shut this war down in eight minutes of yelling NO.
As if we're stupid enough to believe their onanistic puppet show.
Here's the schedule for the next week or so.
We need you. We need your ass on the line.
We need help.
You can join, and DO something, or you can sit back, and figure out another reason why you have something better to do.
There is no more time -- and no other means.
Join Us.
Send this information to everyone you can.
Or, we can do nothing.
They're counting on it.

Please go immediately to
There, you will find Cindy Sheehan's statement, and all the daily plans.
Here is an updated schedule and other info available--

Date Leave Arrive
July 18 Charlotte NC Greensboro NC
July 19 Greensboro NC Lynchburg NC
July 20 Lynchburg NC Charlottesville Va
July 21 Charlottesville Va. Richmond Va.
July 22 Richmond Va. Arlington Va
July 23 Arlington Cem White House/ Capital
July 23 Washington DC Philadelphia PA.
July 24 Philadelphia PA Allentown PA
July 25 Allentown PA New York City NY
July 26 United Nations Action
July 27 Begin to Gather at Central Park
July 28 TBA
July 29 Gathering of Hearts Fest Central Park

We need local volunteers/ Organizers to help.
What we would need from each local organizer:
Housing/ Camp site for Walkers
Dinner after rally/action and Breakfast the next morning before resuming walk.
Help to plan a rally in your city
If applicable an action outside of your congressional office.
Please e-mail Dede at and tell her how you're going to help.

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