Monday, August 6, 2007


"The Democrats are not spineless or weak. Nobody pushes them to do what they don't want ... They're completely corrupt and fully, volitionally complicit."

Empire Burlesque - Chris Floyd
Danse Macabre: An Apology to Democrats
Posted: 05 Aug 2007 06:59 PM CDT
I would like to apologize to the leaders of the Democratic Party for implying in my previous post that they are political cowards. I confess that I was carried away, rhetorically, in the heat of the moment, and was completely mistaken in ascribing their actions on the recent warrantless wiretapping bill to "spineless acquiescence" to the Bush Administration's authoritarian proclivities.

As one of Empire Burlesque's readers pointed out, that phrase was inconsistent with the rest of the piece, for it implied that the Democratic elite were actually opposed to the essence of Bush's authoritarian/corporatist/militarist agenda, and were somehow acting against their will in surrendering to Bush time and again during the past six years. As the reader noted, drawing on Arthur Silber's analysis (more on this below), the Democrats "are not spineless or weak. Nobody pushes them to do what they don't want (no matter how much the Digbys would like to explain away their actions that way.). They're completely corrupt and fully, volitionally complicit." The reader also pointed me to a comment they'd left on Glenn Greenwald's takedown of the vote: "It doesn't take any courage to do what you want to do. Just the opposite. They WANT all these things, but can hardly reveal that to their often sincere but easy-to-dupe followers, so they hide behind the 'we were threatened, Bush made us do it, we're spineless, and we don't want to look weak,' meme. They cop a plea to the lesser charge but the truth is, tragically, far more dark."

I think that's exactly right. They cop to cowardice to cover up complicity. As I said...

Oh man, is this ab so lute ly 1000% right.
The Democrats cop to cowardice to cover their complicity.
There is no "opposition party." There is no opposition.
(see all the Associated Press/NY Times pimp media reportage - it all refers to "Pressure from President Bush."
What ? Exactly what pressure could he conceivably exert at this point ?
Nahhh. There was no pressure, because the Democrats needed NO CONVINCING.
Nobody involved in this had to be coerced or muscled. No one has been bamboozled, fooled by bad intelligence, whipped by some Party functionary, or whipsawed into going against one sliver of what we used to call conscience.
They are ALL in it together, and the names they have chosen for their respective political parties is as relevant as the limitless plasticity of their vertebratitude.

NONE of this is bungling, or cowardice or inadvertent.
As I have bleated forever- Bush's is idiocy by design.
Bush may be a Dunce, but his bosses sure ain't.
They have achieved everything they set out to achieve-
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and in the resource-rich areas of Africa.
Chaos, disorder, breakdown of infrastructure, vacuums in which to leap with Blackwaters and Green Zones and Concrete Walls.
Now take a deep breath. This is going to be really painful.
And repeat after me-
slowly- with great feeling:
Once we GET it--
Once we dump the brainwashing about Our Great Country that has been hammered into our poor defenseless brains since we were six, once we LOOK at what the hell is really going on-
The conclusion is as obvious as the Federal Deficit:
And, unless and until WE stop them, WE are all in it with them.

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