Monday, October 8, 2007


The following contains portions from previous DRANTs about "Columbus" Day.
Is there a more disgusting offensive national holiday anywhere in the world than Columbus Day ?
This was Nakbah for the indigenous people of the Americas, just one of the egregious and ongoing global massacres of indigenous people carried out in the name of "civilization" and profit by the world's most uncivilized beings: White People.
"... Americans are clearly faced with a choice. On one hand, they can continue in their collective pretense that “the opposite of everything is true” (aka denial) prattling on about “innocent Americans” being “the most peaceful people on Earth” while endorsing the continuous U.S. dispensation of death, destruction and domination in every quarter of the globe. On the other, they must at last commence the process of facing up both to the realities of their national history and to the realities that their history has bequeathed. In effect, Americans will either become active parts of the solution to what they and their country have wrought, or they will remain equally active parts of the problem.”
"... There is no place for either spectators or bystanders at a Holocaust..."
Ward Churchill: On The Justice of Roosting Chickens
For a brilliant survey of how the Pimp Media sells us the Columbus Day propaganda, please access :
What do you imagine went through the minds of the Indigenous Americans as they watched hordes of dirty smelly bearded starving White People arrive to slog clumsily through the surf, dragging armor and weapons and crucifixes and flags, but no food ?
Here were as foul a bunch as ever they had seen – and too dumb to bring enough sandwiches for the trip. Do you think the Americans felt, ummm, inferior to these idiots ?
But the way We tell it -- when We civilized intelligent Chosen Dudes arrived, we found savages, in loin cloths and with no Jesus in sight, and it was our moral duty to save them from their fate of Eternal Damnation, not to mention taking everything we could grab.
Well, what do you imagine the modern Mesopotamians or Persians or Carthaginians – (people we have given cute new nicknames, but the descendants of ancient civilizations born in “the birthplace of civilization” on the banks of The Nile or Euphrates or Tigris or Dead Sea), whose ancestors were reading and writing when We were throwing spears – and who lived in cities thousands of years before Jesus made his round trip – what do you think they think when The U.S. Cavalry rides into town to bring them Christian civilization and Good Ole American Democracy ?
The monomaniacal arrogance that We brought to America, We have likewise slathered on the world. And we have been doing it for hundreds of years.
When Ayatollah Muhammad Khatami, the recent former President of what is now called Iran, fluent in five languages, a published author of numerous scholarly books and intellectual essays, spoke of “A Dialogue Among Civilizations” -- do you think he was feeling INFERIOR about chewing the fat with George W. Bush ?
Do you imagine that George has ever even HEARD of Carthage or Mesopotamia ? Not unless they were Protestant Sororities at Yale, where he could sock a few down on a Friday night.
Invasion, occupation, expulsion, domination by extreme force, enslavement, chicanery, and murder by weapons including extreme deprivation and widespread disease - have been the White People’s M.O. and it has continued unabated, if anything, escalated.
This is undisputable and all but unacknowledged among polite well-meaning White People everywhere.
What WP did to the Indigenous population of The Americas beginning around 1492- and have brutally extended to the rest of the world, has now been turned back on ourselves.
If you need a LIST, check this out:
The greatest Holocausts in human history are those WP visited: on The Indigenous People of the Americas, and on the Africans WP kidnapped as slaves.
If there were 10-12 million “Indians” on the North American continent in 1491- by the time my family did not arrive on The Mayflower in 1620, there were thousands of abandoned villages towns and cities from Peru to Florida to Cape Cod, - decimated by the alien diseases spread everywhere by the invading marauding White Men and their animals.
Even when the Invaders themselves died of new disease strains, their pigs and domesticated animals survived in huge numbers, spreading the deadly diseases even after the demise of the people who had brought them.
Did you ever ask yourself why We had to go to Africa to get Slaves – the major engine of our economic advancement ?
There were millions of Indigenous People in the Western Hemisphere. Why go thousands of miles across the ocean just for slaves, when We had plenty of candidates here ?
Here’s why-- our diseases and mistreatment KILLED so many of the Native Americans, as many as 95%, that there were simply no more to enslave.
Now Africa in 1491, was not nearly as densely populated at it became.
In the natural balance of Nature, food was adequate to feed a limited number of the Africans, and the population was regulated naturally.
BUT- When We arrived, We found maize ubiquitous and thriving all over America. Corn to you bub.
Numerous different varieties had been developed to match varied micro-climates and topographies.
Well, we took corn back to Europe, and it went crazy.
Fed plenty of people easily, and cheaply, and with far less labor than the prevalent grains.
We also brought it to Africa, where it enabled the population of Africa to increase greatly, thereby producing plenty of strong bodies for Us to drag back to America as slaves.
Does this strike a contemporary note ? Do you see where this leads ?
To Monsanto, and the massive introduction of GMO and GE corn and soy and other crops, to Africa and Asia, as tools of enslavement.
500 years after Columbus, and 400 odd years after John Smith and Cortez and Pizarro, the tools of enslavement endure.
But, the tools of enslavement are not utilized only on strangers.
The worst historical methods of domination are being employed on US, here in the USA, the Americans of today, by the (im)moral descendants of the White Invaders.
We are being fed, and we are dying from, biological weapons-- poisons - in the air, in the water, in our food. (note-- see E coli, lettuce and spinach, for recent examples)
Babies are born here with thousands of toxic substances flowing through their blood, if they even survive the intolerably high infant mortality rate in the USA.
Diseases are being collected produced and disseminated via the Federal Center for Disease Control at Plum Island, where deadly vaccines are being manufactured for use on US, as we are brainwashed by tales of biological Armageddon.
Chemtrails of death are now so common in the sky that they raise not a sigh of inquiry among most of us.
So frightened have we become by the prospect of Avian Flu and other propaganda bubbemeises, that we are now going meekly to stand by and allow the U.S. Military to march into our towns and cities to occupy our Fallujahs and Tikrits, in the name of keeping order when "the pandemic" hits.
WE are being occupied. WE are being dominated by force. WE are having our basic freedoms stolen – while we are sent to The Reservations without walls, and the darker of Us to prisons by the millions, or to Immigrant Detention Centers by the hundreds of thousands.
When disaster strikes, we are expelled from our homes, sent to ghettos in far off places, never to return- while anonymous strangers grab the land where we and our ancestors lived, and take it for their own--backed by ugly private mercenaries and the full force and effect of the US Military.
Our lands and lakes and forests and wilderness are being destroyed without mercy, not for Gold but for Oil and Gas.
And increasingly, more and more of us are being turned into slaves, working for diminishing wages, deprived of basic human needs, and robbed of the fruits of our life long labor as the savings we depended on for old age sustenance and peace of mind are eaten in front of our eyes, to feed the insatiable corporate elite as they fly off in golden parachutes with their multiple millions in blood money.
We are The Iraqis and The Palestinians, we just live here.
We are the Shoshone and the Tillamocks and Sioux of today- slowly being destroyed by White People in the name of profit and God.
The White Man continues to turn his back on centuries of Treaties our ancestors signed in good faith, destroying the very foundations of our society. He is forcing Us to learn lies instead of facts, instilling and enforcing in Our children ignorance instead of knowledge, so that they will grow up believing in His god, in defiance of the Truth, cannon fodder for further conquests.
What The White Man did to the Indigenous People he found here hundreds of years ago, The White Man has continued to do to people everywhere on the Earth, and He is doing it to Us.
As He slaughters innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan, and causes people to starve or die from preventable disease in Africa, so too does He kill Us by disinterest and design in Louisiana and Mississippi.
He poisoned millions at Eniwetok, and Bikini, in Viet Nam and Hiroshima, now His own soldiers, Our children and fathers and mothers, are dying from His radioactive weapons, the spraying of Dioxin and His use of other lethal substances.
This IS, and always has been the way of The White Man.
And we deserve it, as long as we stand by and do nothing.
A great deal of the inspiration and information for this DRANT came from 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
By Charles Mann
and from: 1491- An article by CHARLES MANN in The Atlantic of March 2002
I cannot urge you too strongly to access these, read them, and send them along to anyone still human enough to get the point.

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