Sunday, March 16, 2008


March 16- Happy Anniversary everyone.
March 16 1935: Flush with massive Anglo-American funding, Hitler himself flushes The Versailles Treaty down the Toiletteschussel, and general conscription begins in Germany. By 1939, the world is fighting The Wehrmacht in the "good war."
March 16, 1968: My Lai. Few remember that it was Major Colin Powell, now a world-famous mendacious mass murderer, but then a fledgling oreo yazzaboss, who was sent in to cover up the mess. He did such a good job of lying and obfuscation, that he was promoted, and you know the rest of dat one--
March 16, 1988: Halabja is gassed. The Kurds know it was Donald Rumsfeld who gave the nerve gas to Saddam, but most Americans still don't.
March 16, 2003: Millions of us around the world marched and demonstrated and performed direct actions and vigils and prayers to stop The USA from attacking Iraq. But the plans had been in place for years, and they weren't about to turn back now. Plus, it would only take a few weeks....
and also March 16, 2003: Rachel Corrie put her frail young 23 year old body on the line, to stop yet another atrocity by the Israeli invaders, and became yet another of the tens of thousands of victims of Israeli genocide.

March 16, 2008: The Winter Soldier testimony ended in Silver Spring MD.
And on March 19, 2008 - thousands of people will act to stop the killing. All over the world, people are rising up to do whatever they are capable of doing. More than 500 local actions in the USA alone.
Will you be there ? Or will you find another reason not to do a goddamned thing ?
They're counting on it.


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