Wednesday, September 24, 2008

DRANT # 320:: COLLAPSE: The Only Chance we Have

This is all by design. There is no "financial crisis". This is not about The Economy, stupid. There have been no mistakes. The Fed, Bush, Congress and The Banks are not fighting with each other. It's not about the details: money, subprime loans, tight credit, repossessions, Wall Street, bailouts, mortage-backed securities, Hedge Funds, NINAs, CDOs, CEO pay, regulation or de-regulation. It is most definitely not about Obamerde, McGoon, or Greedman Sucks, it is about something MUCH bigger, and - it is absolutely positively 1000% nothing new.
It is about --- COLLAPSE.
And- we need not only to enable it, but facilitate it in any way we can.
If this collapse doesn't happen soon, we're dead.
It's that simple.
To have any chance for us or our planet, the other beings on it, or our grandchildren, to survive much less prosper, we must crank the APOCALYPSE switch to NOW- immediately.
"---Civilization is not redeemable.
This culture will not undergo any sort of voluntary transformation
to a sane and sustainable way of living. If we do not put a halt
to it, civilization will continue to immiserate the vast majority
of humans and to degrade the planet until it (civilization, and
probably the planet) collapses. The effects of this degradation
will continue to harm humans and nonhumans for a very long time---"
Derrick Jensen, ENDGAME Premise SIX
The Pimp Media, progblogs, TVTurds, liberallefties, radio screamers, pseudoCramers, Congressmembers, Economists -- an endless parade of white guys with double chins and zero integrity- are selling us the FINANCIAL CRISIS 24/7 at the top of their lungs.
Now Uncle Dave has taught ya to always sniff real hard when that happens.
Uh oh. Is that a global doodie diaper ?
They're all Chickenlittling the same merdacious emergencical hyperbulle.
I've trained ya- to immediately yell "WHY ?"
What does it get Them ? Cui Bono ? CuiBonoCuiBonoCui BonoCuiBonoCuiBono ?
This time, ya better turn your BS detector up to 11.5, annnnnd- ya better be ready to give them a big shove, and help make their propaganda actually happen -- for real. More about that later.
But first-
Why are They doing this ?
Well, who says a "New Pearl Harbor" has to be planes ramming buildings ? Who says that the form "Terrorism" takes must necessarily be armed insurrection or meticulously planned highjacks ?
We have aided and abetted the greatest theft of assets (of all kinds) in all of history. Not since our good pal God gave us humans dominion over The Heavens and The Earth has there been a plunder and re-allocation like this one. Marx would call it a massive "primary appropriation." Whatever we call it, the result has been an incomprehensibly huge UPWARD shift in assets.
I don't mean just money. Money is -- I mean this -- incidental.
Sure, money and material wealth has been purloined from The Many, and concentrated in the hands of The Very Few on a scale that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.
But so too have the more crucial requisites for human life: air, water, food, health care, education, true personal security, and- annnnnd- freedom.
They have not just grabbed all the bucks, and left much of the world up to their medullae in debt or in extreme poverty. They have not just bought up all the clean water- to sell it back to us a pint or a bathtubfull at a time, while they grab up for themselves the world's remaining aquifers. They have not just stolen and fouled the food so that only They and their Organic Elite are the only beings on the Planet who can afford clean eats, and tens of millions starve. They have not just fouled the air, so that only Those with special Domes (like the Bush compound in Crawford TX) will be able to both inhale and exhale and the rest of us terminally emphyzemasize.
They have not just made it unaffordable for even half of us to take the most basic care of ourselves and our bodies, insuring their own exclusive access to (what they think are) the best Doctors, Hospitals and Medicine, while even more tens of millions die from curable disease.
But- they have taken most of the real freedoms away from us and left us in an extreme poverty of personal liberty, rights, self-determination, and ultimately self-worth.
Once again, They are trying to scare us into fear and compliance.
This *horseshit* monetary crisis is the new 9-11.
If They didn't DO it, if they didn't PLAN it, if they didn't EXECUTE it, and I think they did all of these- they unquestionably enabled and allowed it. There is no doubt that at very least, they let it happen.
And, exactly as their 9-11 initiated the War of Terror precisely as planned- so too is this new financial 9-11 right on schedule to scare the crap out of us - enough so we will hand over everything we own - pensions, savings, homes, nest eggs-- and cannibalize our children and grandchildren- to feel more secure.
Just as the Clear and Present Emergency of Iraq's imminent Nucular Attack on Pittsburgh led to our blind acceptance of an unlegislated Patriot Act passed unread in the dead of night, so too will they try to use this Financial Crisis to force a shotgun wedding - where our dowry is all the remaining rights we own. They have learned, and well they know, that we will trade our very souls to feel safe.
They are coercing us into signing a new form of sub-prime mortgage of our freedom, where the initial rate seems affordable, but in the blink of an eye- its all repossessed.
And here's the inescapable Cosmic Irony:
We must let them have their way, facilitate the collapse, push their toboggan down their highway to hunger and hell, scarcity and starvation, or all we're doing is postponing the inevitable and making it much harder on our grandchildren. We need to help this whole Hindenbergian horror show to accelerate to its unavoidable denouement: and crash and burn- and clear the forest-- for new growth: a new way of life on this planet.
Nothing less can save us. The sooner the better.
Luckily, our massive unmeasurable greed and arrogance is sooooo huge and overpowering, that we will reflexively revert to a grossly amplified 2.0 version of the very behavior that caused us to apocalypticate in the first place.
We seek salvation by indulging further in greed, consumption, exploitation and destruction of the natural resources and the very life of the planet we live on. We seek our redemption in Growth and more Growth. From Expanding "The Economy". From More.
We employ all extraordinary means to save the rotting corpse of exploitative globalism, "The Economic System", contemplate amputating one stinking limb at a time--- and never let ourselves notice that that its a putrid DEAD BODY- spreading fatal disease everywhere, and requiring urgent cremation, not palliative care or prophylactic amputations or reconstructive surgery.
We seek guidance from those who we know care only about themselves, about salvaging and reinforcing the system that enriches and empowers them at any cost, who have plundered and destroyed anything and anyone that serves not their ends, and now are telling us that we need not only to continue this process, but expand it.
In sum, we will JOIN in their plan for our destruction.
And that's a very good thing.
Our very complicity is the only thing that can save us.
The more we leave everything in the hands of The Bankers, Congress, and The Media, the faster this whole thing will come down, and the sooner we can save ourselves, our children and the planet.

"---The longer we wait for civilization
to crash-or the longer we wait before we ourselves bring
it down-the messier will be the crash, and the worse things
will be for those humans and nonhumans who live during it, and
for those who come after.

The needs of the natural world
are more important than the needs of the economic system.

Any economic
or social system that does not benefit the natural communities
on which it is based is unsustainable, immoral, and stupid. Sustainability,
morality, and intelligence (as well as justice) requires the dismantling
of any such economic or social system, or at the very least disallowing
it from damaging your landbase---"

Derrick Jensen, ENDGAME

Next DRANT - we talk about what happened, who did what to whom, and how.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Seward bought Alaska for 7 million dollars, it was called "Seward's Folly".

This bailout is 100,000 'Alaskas' and climbing. I think that's a pretty good reason for the candidates to stop blowing smoke up people's asses for a while and get to work saying "No" to this bridge to economic nowhere.