Saturday, October 18, 2008


Are you bamboozled by the maze of recondite acronyms and obscure and purposefully
opaque nomenclature used to describe what is simple
rapacious Rape ?
Do you really know what "credit default swaps" are ?
A ravenous recipe concocted of equal parts -- unimaginable gluttony, immeasurable
greedy manipulation and voracious victimization and capitalization of the pain suffered
by others: yielding billions of dollars in profits for very very few, and ruination
for most everyone else.
(The worst is definitely yet to come)
Well, here is what I think to be the clearest explanation so far:
Credit Default Swaps: The Insane Problem and the Radical but Sane Solution
(by Chuck Simpson) (15138) From Op Ed News
And just remember- none of this was due to idiocy, stupidity or bumbling.
The same people who invented it, and who carried it out, are now reaping the biggest
benefits, and its only just started.
There are TRILLIONS of dollars of non existent imaginary and worthless dollars teetering
out there, soon to ignite the biggest conflagration yet.

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