Tuesday, September 30, 2008


"---what we have is --- a
continuation of a transfer of wealth. This whole government has become
nothing more than a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with
our tax policies, our energy policies, with fiscal policies, with
the war. All the wealth of the country goes from the pockets of the
people into the hands of a few. This is a very dangerous moment. You
know, it's the biggest amount of injection of capital by the government
in a single time since the New Deal. And frankly, there is no trickle
down here. There's just rewarding bad behavior---"

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on Democracy Now

The world-renowned financial expert Larry Berra (aka Yogi) had this to say about the world's (supposed) economic crisis: "In baseball ya don't know nuthin."
None of us don't know nuthin'-- but we do know this: They ALL suck. Us included.
They gave away 680 Billion of our dollars yesterday, and we never made a sound.
This included giving Bush another 70 billion for the wars, and stilllll nobody as much as honked a kazoo.
They transfused a slew more vampire banks with our blood money, and not a squawk outta us.
And did you watch the charade of controversy on TV today ?
As if - there was one ?

Do you think that The Pelosi would bring the bailout bill to the floor for a vote without knowing how the vote would go ? To make super sure, she took time off from her botox treatments (her lips were barely able to move) long enough to make a dumdum partisan speech just before the vote. She knew it was going down. They all did. It was planned. This was World Championship Wrestling in jackets and ties and ladies' power suits.

What we saw today was the usual Bullshit Ballet, promoting the fiction that there are two opposing parties, that no they don't all work for The (same) Man, pimping the bombastic bubbemeise that there is a desperate financial crisis which can only be solved by Us sending even more of Our money to Them, and that they had to pass this bill (for our sake) before the sun set or our ATMs and Visa cards would crumble to dust.
Americans watched mesmerized and fearful as the Dow-Jones Industrial Average lost 777 points.
The cablenews double-chinned whities argued and moaned and pontificated endlessly -- as if the Dow was some kind of wildly bleeping vital signs monitor in the emergency room of the economy.
The Dow is irrelevant.
What's relevant is that people have lost their lives and their homes and jobs, and been bankrupted by medical bills, not that a pre-selected list of stocks goes up or down because a skyscraper of Little Eichmanns program their computers to sell the instant some inscrutable digital delta or other is reached.
Millions of people foreclosed and evicted, and Congress sat.
Water poured over the levees and obliterated the lives of hundreds of thousands - and Congress sat.
Pensions gone, incomes decimated, jobs disappeared, lifetimes ruined, families destroyed, and Congress sat.
But- when some banks and brokers started bleeding profusely from SELF-INFLICTED wounds, Congress outraced Michael Phelps himself to the rescue.
Now why do you think that is ?
Hmmmm, I know, it's a toughie.
Well, here's a hint: all the Politicians are roostering loudly about how They are acting for Us, that this is about Main Street not Wall Street (eccccccch that's offensive) that its the average worker, the typical american, mr and mrs frozen dinner- that they really care about. Wangawangawangawangawangawangawangawangawangaaa wangwang wang !
That's the ole BS detector going completely Keith Moon !
As soon as a politician tells ya that its You that counts, RUN for your LIVES.
The reason that Congress, The Government, The Media and The Police all UsainBolt to save the banks and not you is that they work for the banks and not you.
And, the reason they made sure that the so-called bailout bill FAILED is- its better for them and the banks (and the government and the media and the police) if it fails.
They WANT it to fail. They NEED it to fail. They do this every buncha years or so.
What they create is a big fat panic-ridden, fear-driven, collapse and deflation. What they started about 15 years ago was a big fat bubble, making loans and credit cheap and available to anyone and everyone who could (or even who couldn't) sign their name, destroying crucial historic regulatory structures and all pretense of oversight, birthing new forms of creating money, value, and wealth from thin air, printing dollars without ink, paper or printer, and evading morality, responsibility and taxes simultaneously.
They are doing just fine with ongoing unregulated de facto bailouts - Freddie or Frankie or Fifi or whatever -- AIG, Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, and now the auto companies, and whoknowswhats next. Billions in bailouts, no votes, no scrutiny, no debate, no oversight. So what the hell did they need this current "bailout" bill for ?
They needed it to fail.
Its a public lynching of our trust and confidence and security. Created to induce fear and panic.
They are not only killing the body of the bailout, but they are gonna be sure and let it swing from the tree for a good while so all us folks can see what happens when ya mess with Massuh.
And then, when we predictably raise our voices in pain, and anger and humiliation, or yell about having our votes stolen-- they already have the troops in place- primed and at the ready to quell any "civil unrest" by the disenfranchised or financially disemboweled.

Read more!!

Friday, September 26, 2008


"If money isn't loosened up, this sucker could go down," President Bush
declared Thursday as he watched the $700 billion bailout package fall
apart before his eyes, according to one person in the room.


Here's a story my much-missed Julie Vogel used to tell. I don't tell it nearly as well, but it sums it all up:
(Background:The Nazis imposed numerous draconian laws forbidding Jews from engaging in business with others.)
No matter how bad things got, Yossl and Moishe met every day for coffee. One morning Yossl tells Moishe- "Ya know, I have no need for this beautiful watch I'm wearing. Who needs to know the time ? Its a priceless heirloom, but I just don't need it anymore. How about I sell it to you ?"
Moishe says: "Wellll, it's scratched, but I don't own a watch. OK, I'll give you 3 zlotys."
"3 Zlotys ! Ridiculous, its worth 100 !"

"Take it or leave it," says Yossl.
"I'll take it," says Moishe.
Next morning over coffee, Moishe says- "Ya know, I love this watch, but I just really never look at the time. Maybe you should buy it. 4 Zlotys."
"4 !" yelps Yossl, "it's not worth 2 !"
"Take it or leave it."
"OK," says Yossl, "4 Zlotys."
Next morning, Yossl offers to sell the watch back to Moishe for 5 Zlotys.
"This is ridiculous," says Moishe. "I sell it to you, you sell it to me. For what ?"
"Stop complaining," says Yossl.
"Like this-- we're making a living !"

Luftmenschen means "AIR-MEN." Men who live on air. We live in LuftLand - the AIR COUNTRY.
What lessons we can learn from Moishe and Yossl:
1- A thing is worth only what someone will pay for it.
2- To sell, it takes two, baby.
3- You both have to agree on the terms.
4- A deal is a deal.
5- Everything is fine as long as its fine. AKA the Wiley Coyote Rule: if you run off the cliff, you don't fall 'til you look down.
6- The most important thing is to keep the game going.

For the past few days, the Pigs gathered publicly and unabashed at the trough yet again, recalling nothing less than the Warren Commission or the 9-11 Commission, or worse- Powell and Tenant at The UN.
I mean, take a LOOK at these guys.

The pre-determined DECISION has been made. The rest is a mendacious manipulative show: the usual carefully choreographed Bullshit Ballet, sumptuously staged to convince us that:
1- Democracy is alive and well in the USA
2- The demands, needs and views of We (the group formerly known as) The People are being vigorously represented, and
3- What we are watching is tough but honest disagreement between sincere but differing points of view.
Where are Yossl and Moishe when we need them ?

These Pigs all have the same religion, feed from the same dish of slop, and work for the same masters.
As I have bleated for years-- looking to the Conspirators to end The Conspiracy is self-defeating lunacy.
Did we learn nothing from the WMD disaster ? Are we going to believe again in the Mushroom Cloud Fairy ? That this is an EMERGENCY ? That total chaos awaits if we delay even a few days ?
What's the rush ???
How about making damn sure the $700 Billion check (and muchmuchmuch more) gets written before a new President and Congress take office ? If O-same-a still had one testicle left, he never would have shown up. But of course, if he had balls in the first place, he would have stood up two days ago, and announced that he would not support or accept any deal where every man woman and child in the USA would be asked to pay for crap that everyone knows is worthless, while the perps walk, and the rest of us lose the very things that sustain life.
Proof again that Oshama is a professional invertebrate goalongtogetalong, who has built his life on pleasing everyone and being no one. Massuh, thy name is Goldman Sachs. (see DRANT # 312)

The bottom line: at the same exact time Dungress was publicly daisychaining over "saving the economy," they overwhelmingly passed yet another 400 billion dollar funding bill guaranteeing yet more years of war, genocide, occupation, torture, and destruction of the planet.
We're already in the opening scenes of one possible Act II - the usual-- where both sides feign disagreement and difference of principle, where Pimp Media pushes phony controversy to sell us the big lie, and where America buys it all, and votes for one of two evils.
(breaking news: The government just brokered (!) a deal where JP Morgan/Chase got to buy Washington Mutual's ASSETS, but stuck You and Me and Aunt Minnie with the worthless paper, and about 100 Billion dollars in debt.) No Congress, no debate, no discussion, no vote. Poof.
I see another scenario.
We The People have snoozed through devastation of our habitat, repression and obliteration of our rights, the persecution and incarceration, and the slaughter, torture, poisoning and cultural defenestration of millions of "others." WTP did nothing that made any difference.
But now, at last, we Americans are rising up, on fire with righteous anger, enraged by our leaders' betrayal, marching, writing, yelling, calling, faxing and ferociously emailing, letting our voices be heard far and wide. We have finally been grievously wounded in our one vulnerable spot, America's Achilles Heel-
our profound self-interest --

All along, I and many others have been demanding to know- what will it take ? What will it take to wake people up and get them to DO something ?
What is the threshhold -- the tipping point -- the final incendiary spark ?
Well, now we know. Being told to pay 700 billion dollars for a pile of crap that nobody wants. That may finally have done it.
They planned another 9-11-- a financial 9-11, to scare us into even further compliance and submission -- through fear. Fear of losing everything we've worked for our whole lives-- our pensions, our health, the chance for our grandchildren to live better lives than we, and of course, our very homes.
And frightened we are. Willing to sell off pieces of our freedom to gain slivers of solace and security.
BUT-- 700 billion dollars for crap ?
Uh uh. That's it.
You think this all wasn't part of the plan ?
I think it was.
We are being pushed to the point of irrationality and reactive destructive behavior.
Bush's fear-mongering apocalyptic address to the nation - meant to scare the Mohamed out of us.
What McGoon did today- "suspending" the campaign -- walking away from the first Debate -- was a deeply signifying act. It put the entire election in doubt. As I write, there is no way to know for sure if he will show up in Mississippi or not. That's not the point. The point is- nobody is sure.
Then, the debacle in Bush's office this afternoon, where the Republicans created chaos, basically reneged, dropped a totally new deal on the table, and left.
Do you think this was spontaneous ?
How about if I tell you that ACTIVE DUTY troops from the 3rd Infantry Division 1st Brigade Combat Team have been removed from Iraq, and redeployed in the USA - for Homeland Security efforts, under the Northern Command (NORCOMM) - freshly trained for urban operations, and newly trained and armed with TASERS ? The first time in history.

Do you think there's a small chance that this election will be - umm- "suspended?" That Bush will invoke one of the largish pile of justifying laws and executive orders he and Cheney have accumulated over the last few years-- proclaim a national emergency, and do away with Posse Comitatus, and what remains of the Bill of Rights ?
Watch THIS.
"...Local police departments in 13 states and security agents from Amtrak and the federal Transportation Security Administration carried
out a show of force at 150 railroad stations from Virginia to Vermont
on Tuesday morning. The drill included random searches of passengers
and their belongings, as well as other, unspecified security measures,
the authorities said.

Officers from the Amtrak Police Department,
Transportation Security Administration, Homeland Security and New York
Police Department during the morning rush hour in the Amtrak area of
New York Penn Station on Tuesday.

FEMA exists not to help people in times of need, but to insure Continuity of Government when there is a national emergency.
Would you like to spend your summer vacation in a nice FEMA Camp ?
Do you think its possible for the walls of the financial levees to break, as a torrent of worthless dollars and I.O.U.s pour over us - and Blackwater rides into town to restore order, and keep us from grabbing some food at the Safeway and HDTVs at Best Buy ?
I do.
And I think that none of this is accident.

Read more!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

DRANT # 320:: COLLAPSE: The Only Chance we Have

This is all by design. There is no "financial crisis". This is not about The Economy, stupid. There have been no mistakes. The Fed, Bush, Congress and The Banks are not fighting with each other. It's not about the details: money, subprime loans, tight credit, repossessions, Wall Street, bailouts, mortage-backed securities, Hedge Funds, NINAs, CDOs, CEO pay, regulation or de-regulation. It is most definitely not about Obamerde, McGoon, or Greedman Sucks, it is about something MUCH bigger, and - it is absolutely positively 1000% nothing new.
It is about --- COLLAPSE.
And- we need not only to enable it, but facilitate it in any way we can.
If this collapse doesn't happen soon, we're dead.
It's that simple.
To have any chance for us or our planet, the other beings on it, or our grandchildren, to survive much less prosper, we must crank the APOCALYPSE switch to NOW- immediately.
"---Civilization is not redeemable.
This culture will not undergo any sort of voluntary transformation
to a sane and sustainable way of living. If we do not put a halt
to it, civilization will continue to immiserate the vast majority
of humans and to degrade the planet until it (civilization, and
probably the planet) collapses. The effects of this degradation
will continue to harm humans and nonhumans for a very long time---"
Derrick Jensen, ENDGAME Premise SIX
The Pimp Media, progblogs, TVTurds, liberallefties, radio screamers, pseudoCramers, Congressmembers, Economists -- an endless parade of white guys with double chins and zero integrity- are selling us the FINANCIAL CRISIS 24/7 at the top of their lungs.
Now Uncle Dave has taught ya to always sniff real hard when that happens.
Uh oh. Is that a global doodie diaper ?
They're all Chickenlittling the same merdacious emergencical hyperbulle.
I've trained ya- to immediately yell "WHY ?"
What does it get Them ? Cui Bono ? CuiBonoCuiBonoCui BonoCuiBonoCuiBono ?
This time, ya better turn your BS detector up to 11.5, annnnnd- ya better be ready to give them a big shove, and help make their propaganda actually happen -- for real. More about that later.
But first-
Why are They doing this ?
Well, who says a "New Pearl Harbor" has to be planes ramming buildings ? Who says that the form "Terrorism" takes must necessarily be armed insurrection or meticulously planned highjacks ?
We have aided and abetted the greatest theft of assets (of all kinds) in all of history. Not since our good pal God gave us humans dominion over The Heavens and The Earth has there been a plunder and re-allocation like this one. Marx would call it a massive "primary appropriation." Whatever we call it, the result has been an incomprehensibly huge UPWARD shift in assets.
I don't mean just money. Money is -- I mean this -- incidental.
Sure, money and material wealth has been purloined from The Many, and concentrated in the hands of The Very Few on a scale that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.
But so too have the more crucial requisites for human life: air, water, food, health care, education, true personal security, and- annnnnd- freedom.
They have not just grabbed all the bucks, and left much of the world up to their medullae in debt or in extreme poverty. They have not just bought up all the clean water- to sell it back to us a pint or a bathtubfull at a time, while they grab up for themselves the world's remaining aquifers. They have not just stolen and fouled the food so that only They and their Organic Elite are the only beings on the Planet who can afford clean eats, and tens of millions starve. They have not just fouled the air, so that only Those with special Domes (like the Bush compound in Crawford TX) will be able to both inhale and exhale and the rest of us terminally emphyzemasize.
They have not just made it unaffordable for even half of us to take the most basic care of ourselves and our bodies, insuring their own exclusive access to (what they think are) the best Doctors, Hospitals and Medicine, while even more tens of millions die from curable disease.
But- they have taken most of the real freedoms away from us and left us in an extreme poverty of personal liberty, rights, self-determination, and ultimately self-worth.
Once again, They are trying to scare us into fear and compliance.
This *horseshit* monetary crisis is the new 9-11.
If They didn't DO it, if they didn't PLAN it, if they didn't EXECUTE it, and I think they did all of these- they unquestionably enabled and allowed it. There is no doubt that at very least, they let it happen.
And, exactly as their 9-11 initiated the War of Terror precisely as planned- so too is this new financial 9-11 right on schedule to scare the crap out of us - enough so we will hand over everything we own - pensions, savings, homes, nest eggs-- and cannibalize our children and grandchildren- to feel more secure.
Just as the Clear and Present Emergency of Iraq's imminent Nucular Attack on Pittsburgh led to our blind acceptance of an unlegislated Patriot Act passed unread in the dead of night, so too will they try to use this Financial Crisis to force a shotgun wedding - where our dowry is all the remaining rights we own. They have learned, and well they know, that we will trade our very souls to feel safe.
They are coercing us into signing a new form of sub-prime mortgage of our freedom, where the initial rate seems affordable, but in the blink of an eye- its all repossessed.
And here's the inescapable Cosmic Irony:
We must let them have their way, facilitate the collapse, push their toboggan down their highway to hunger and hell, scarcity and starvation, or all we're doing is postponing the inevitable and making it much harder on our grandchildren. We need to help this whole Hindenbergian horror show to accelerate to its unavoidable denouement: and crash and burn- and clear the forest-- for new growth: a new way of life on this planet.
Nothing less can save us. The sooner the better.
Luckily, our massive unmeasurable greed and arrogance is sooooo huge and overpowering, that we will reflexively revert to a grossly amplified 2.0 version of the very behavior that caused us to apocalypticate in the first place.
We seek salvation by indulging further in greed, consumption, exploitation and destruction of the natural resources and the very life of the planet we live on. We seek our redemption in Growth and more Growth. From Expanding "The Economy". From More.
We employ all extraordinary means to save the rotting corpse of exploitative globalism, "The Economic System", contemplate amputating one stinking limb at a time--- and never let ourselves notice that that its a putrid DEAD BODY- spreading fatal disease everywhere, and requiring urgent cremation, not palliative care or prophylactic amputations or reconstructive surgery.
We seek guidance from those who we know care only about themselves, about salvaging and reinforcing the system that enriches and empowers them at any cost, who have plundered and destroyed anything and anyone that serves not their ends, and now are telling us that we need not only to continue this process, but expand it.
In sum, we will JOIN in their plan for our destruction.
And that's a very good thing.
Our very complicity is the only thing that can save us.
The more we leave everything in the hands of The Bankers, Congress, and The Media, the faster this whole thing will come down, and the sooner we can save ourselves, our children and the planet.

"---The longer we wait for civilization
to crash-or the longer we wait before we ourselves bring
it down-the messier will be the crash, and the worse things
will be for those humans and nonhumans who live during it, and
for those who come after.

The needs of the natural world
are more important than the needs of the economic system.

Any economic
or social system that does not benefit the natural communities
on which it is based is unsustainable, immoral, and stupid. Sustainability,
morality, and intelligence (as well as justice) requires the dismantling
of any such economic or social system, or at the very least disallowing
it from damaging your landbase---"

Derrick Jensen, ENDGAME

Next DRANT - we talk about what happened, who did what to whom, and how.


Read more!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

DRANT #319: The CRASH- Don't Drink The Lehmanade

"---there is no way to
avert the payback period that has been building for over two decades.
Over this stretch, America has consumed much more than it has produced.
As a result, both consumer and federal debt have ballooned to record

And now, the payback period is upon us. The bailout buffet won't end with Fannie (FNM) and Freddie (FRE).
There's a lot more where that came from because the "Fed's food court"
remains open, as does that of the U.S. Treasury. In fact, the autos are
in the process of being bailed out with $50 billion in "loans." I
expect the airlines to also receive some form of a bailout as well."

Mike Stathis, Payback Period is Upon Us

When most of you wake up this morning, you'll rise to the news of a massive Wall Street "crash", with stock prices diving, and US Banks disappearing faster than Cheney on 9-11. Breathless botoxed teleboobs will screech on about the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, about Merril Lynch doing a Jonah into the belly of the B of A, and how the U.S.A. -- meaning us, the schmuckoisie -- must once again reach into what remains of our pockets to "bail out" The Economy.
But, remember DRANT's Law: when the media pimp choir all start singing one song, grab your bullshit detector and turn it to 11.
It's not The Economy, stupid.
Its just another day's work for the bastards who have been running these periodic "crashes" for years; another step in the most massive, flagrant and corrupt transfer of wealth in history; and yet another manufactured "shock"
designed to induce ever more panic and fear in our poor little so far sonambulatory hearts.

"---Around the world, ---there are people with power who are cashing in on chaos;
exploiting bloodshed and catastrophe to brutally remake our world in
their image. They are the shock doctors. Raking in billions out of the tsunami, plundering Russia, exploiting
Iraq --- a few are making a killing
while more are getting killed.

Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine

But- its good news !
This "crash" can be, MUST be the threshold - the snapping point where we will jump up, startled - out of our long years of snoozing. Where we finally get so critically wounded in our profound self-interest- we are at long last roused to action.

From ICH:
"---this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone anyway.
It's been developing for quite a long time. Eight years of
stealing your children's futures to pay for killing someone
else's children while you allow your own ability to produce
anything to be shuttled off to the next generation corporate
slave countries, does not make for a healthy economy---They took virtually all of your rights, all
of your future, all of your money, all of your health, all of
your respect, and all of your dignity, and yet some of you would
still rather hear how great this country is than accept the
truth about what is happening and why. It's the impenetrable
American egotism that has led to this abyss and that has led you
to be the least educated, most imprisoned, least healthy, most
destructive, least honest, most hated populous and culture in
the history of the world--and that is no small feat on this

Bill Noxid

We have all been willing participants in the scam- cannibalizing the future of our children and grandchildren in our paroxysms of instant gratification, gluttony,
and slovenly self-deception, so let's not grab the victim's makeup kit just yet.
And just as we have stood by and allowed murder and torture in our name, so too have we wallowed in the trough of consumption, eating and driving and shopping and spending and consoooming the riches of this world, destroying the planet and all its creatures and inhabitants in our unquenchable lust and greed, and leaving the check to be paid by our kids.
It was a grand collusion- with the Busheviks borrowing a trillion dollars from China, Japan, and various "sovereign" lenders, in league with all of us- borrowing hundreds of thousands against whatever we could- most often the very houses our families slept in at night. We saved nothing, vesting our belief in the self-deluding parlor tricks of speculative real estate deals, mortgage re-finance, credit cards, and unsecured loans.
Annnd -- we were all gleeful players in an even bigger scam to finance the murder and genocide of War, in which we have been complicit, by not stopping the seven years of killing, and by paying for it. Our greed led us to murder.

central banks of China, Japan and Korea are major holders of these
(Mortgage) securities---When you look at the balance sheet of U.S. assets
available for foreign central banks to buy with the $2.5 to $3.5
trillion of surplus dollars they hold, real estate is the only asset
category large enough to absorb the balance-of-payments outflows that
U.S. military spending, foreign trade and investment-capital flight are
throwing off. When the U.S. military spends money abroad to fight the
New Cold War, these dollars are recycled increasingly into U.S.
mortgage-backed securities, because there is no other market large
enough to absorb the sums involved.---The Treasury therefore has given informal assurances to
foreign governments that they will guarantee at least the dollar value
of the money their central banks are recycling. --- A failure to
provide investment guarantees to foreigners would thwart the
continuation of U.S. overseas military spending!---"

Michael Hudson, Global Research

In the next few weeks:
You will write a check, and the BANK will bounce.
You will go to Safeway, and the shelves will be bare.
You will have to pay cash, and that will be worth less than half of what it is now.
Your IRA wil disappear. Your job will disappear.
All the things you let yourself believe in -- that justified your greed-- will be worthless.
And you will get scared.
And you will try to blame Bush.
Don't ya dare blame the Bush or the banks. We all went for it.

We Americans like our redemption in painless easy-swallow gel tab form.

No pain, no scars.

Not this time.

Now its time to fundamentally change the way we live, and the way our government is run.
"The alternative of living a lie
and serving the corporations that purposefully suppress and
poison the true nature of this glorious planet and all of its
inhabitants was just not mentally, physically, or spiritually an
option for me anymore.

Believe me when I tell you---It's not an option for you anymore
either. The Universe is watching and you cannot afford to wait
one more second to face the truth. It is imperative that you
become the stewards and contributors to the Universal
Consciousness that you are designed to be, before you face the
threat of the end of your time on Earth."

Bill Noxid

If we are to survive, if we are to hand our children a world in which they have any hope of surviving, much less live decent lives, then we must assume total responsibility for what has been done. We must sacrifice and abjure our own comfort and ease, deny our self-gratification, and our self-absorption, and live for others.
But this does not mean that we can allow the Bushes and the Bastards at the Banks to put the blame on us either.
They have created this "crash" with an eye toward further destroying the very systems of mutual caring and human generosity that they dismiss as "welfare."
They will use this manufactured financial "crisis" to further crack down on our rights, our ability to express our thoughts, our fundamental individual freedom.
They will further encourage us to blame the "illegals" for the problems in our lives and in our "economy" and further inculcate mutual distrust and racial hatred.
This crash that you will wake up to this morning must be - at long last-- the catalyst for action.
It will not be nearly enough to rant, or complain, or demonstrate, or even to vote the criminals out of office, for
in our complicity we have aided and abetted them, and removing them
cures nothing.
Each of us must take on the full task of making the
change happen.
Each and every one of us- one of us at a time.
And it must start now.

Read more!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sorry. I know I've been away for a while. Did I miss anything ? Yeah, well, I didn't think so.
I'll be back DRANTing this weekend, I promise.
It's September 11. A day we should all imprint eternally in our hearts and minds.
For on September 11, 1906, Mohandas Gandhi's life changed, and so as well did he change the lives of hundreds, then thousands, and they together changed the lives of millions, and the course of the planet.
Every day, every single one of us is granted the same miraculous gift to act solely from our deepest selves, and so as well can each of us similarly change our own lives, and the lives of millions.
In these days of greed and murder, willful ignorance and self-destruction, and mendacity for profit, the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others is hope, and hope can arise solely from a profound belief that we can effect change.
Hope is contagious, and much more powerful than vengeance or gluttony.
And it is our gift to use. Every single one of us.
There is no magic wand. We need to believe, then we need to decide, then we need to ACT.
And we can't wait for some Obamessiah or any other somebody else to do it for us.
We need to do it for ourselves.
And bro- we better HURRY UP.

(taken from DRANTs 255/193 September 11, 2006/7 )

"...None of us knew what name to give to our movement. I then used the term 'passive resistance' in describing it. I did not quite understand the implications of 'passive resistance' as I called it. I only knew that some new principle had come into being. As the struggle advanced, the phrase 'passive resistance' gave rise to confusion and it appeared shameful to permit this great struggle to be known only by an English name. Again, that foreign phrase could hardly pass as current coin among the community. A small prize was therefore announced in Indian Opinion t o be awarded to the reader who invented the best designation for our struggle. We thus received a number of suggestions. The meaning of the struggle had been then fully discussed in Indian Opinion and the competitors for the prize had fairly sufficient material to serve as a basis for their exploration. Shri Maganlal Gandhi was one of the competitors and he suggested the word 'Sadagraha,' meaning. 'firmness in a good cause.' I liked the work, but it did not fully represent the whole idea I wished it to connote. I therefore corrected it to 'Satyagraha.' Truth (Satya) implies love, and firmness (agraha) engenders and therefore serves as a synonym for force. I thus began to call the Indian movement 'Satyagraha,' that is to say, the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence..."


On August 22, 1906, the Transvaal government in South Africa under the British Empire gave notice of a new legislation requiring all Indians, Arabs and Turks to register with the government. Fingerprints and identification marks on the person's body were to be recorded in order to obtain a certificate of registration. Those who failed to register could be fined, sent to prison or deported. Even children had to be brought to the Registrar from their fingerprint impressions. At the time, there were less than 100,000 Indians in South Africa. But in Transvaal, there was an Indian lawyer working with a Muslim company, and his name was Mohandas K. Gandhi.

On September 11, 1906, Gandhi called a mass meeting of some 3,000 Transvaal Indians to find ways to resist the Registration Act. He felt the Act was the embodiment of "hatred of Indians" which if accepted would "spell absolute ruin for the Indians in South Africa", and therefore resisting it is a "question of life and death."

Among these 3,000 people attending the meeting was one Sheth haji Habib, an old Muslim resident of South Africa. Deeply moved after listening to Gandhi's speech, Sheth Habib said to the congregation that the Indians had to pass this resolution with God as witness and could never yield a cowardly submission to such a degrading legislation. Gandhi wrote in his Satyagraha in Africa (1928), that " He then went on solemnly to declare in the name of God that he would never submit to that law and advised all present to do likewise." Though Sheth Habib was known to be a man of temper, his action on September 11 was significant because of his decision to act in defiance of an unjust law and willingness to suffer the consequences in a spiritually-endowed fight for justice in the name of God.

Gandhi was taken aback by the Muslim's suggestion. He wrote, " I did not come to the meeting with a view to getting the resolution passed in that manner, which redounds to the credit of Sheth haji Habib as well as it lays a burden of responsibility upon him. I tender my congratulations to him. I deeply appreciate his suggestion, but if you adopt it you too will share his responsibility.

On that day, September 11, 1906, in South Africa, the Indian nonviolent movement was born. Gandhi later called his Indian movement: "Satyagraha" or " the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence." This movement went on to free 300 million people from the power of the British Empire and gave the twentieth century a most remarkable demonstration of the power of nonviolent struggle.
September 10, 2006

George Houser: Remembering a Sept. 11 that occurred 100 years ago
The tragic World Trade Center attack is used as an excuse for policies of our government in Iraq that many of us oppose and threaten civil liberties in our own country. It is most appropriate to also recall an event that happened on Sept. 11, 1906 that spawned movements leading to positive changes in the way injustice is confronted worldwide.

This month, South Africa commemorates the event 100 years ago when minority Europeans ruled over the majority of nonwhite Africans, so-called "coloreds," and people of Indian origin. Since the 1860s, thousands of Indians had worked in sugar-cane fields there. A young lawyer, Mohandas Gandhi, already 13 years in South Africa, was well acquainted with indignities suffered by the majority of the people. Legislation proposed in 1906 would require permits granted only by the white government for Indians to move around the country or across borders.

Gandhi described a mass protest meeting in Johannesburg on Sept. 11, 1906, where thousands of Indians "solemnly determined not to submit ... in the event of [the permits] becoming law, and to suffer all the penalties attached to such non-submission ... ." This began Gandhi's transformation from lawyer to "Mahatma" or Great Soul. After the laws were adopted, the opposition gathered momentum. "None of us knew what name to give our movement ... Thus the word 'satyagraha' was coined ... the Force which is born of Truth and love or nonviolence." This "9/11" was the conscious beginning of a creative, nonviolent means of struggle against injustice.

In Chicago in 1941, a group of us began a study of nonviolence, including Gandhi's autobiography. We asked how all this applied to our lives and found out through our own experience. In a restaurant one day, our interracial group was refused service. The "sit down" was born, taking a leaf from the notebook of UAW strikes in Detroit. If no satisfactory resolution was reached with management, we would sit in a restaurant until everyone was served. And it worked! But not without difficulty. Sometimes police were called and occasionally arrests occurred.

The national organization, the Congress of Racial Equality CORE, was also born. The idea of nonviolent direct action, an adaptation of satyagraha, spread to other cities. The lesson of 9/11, 1906, became real for us as we challenged segregation in swimming pools, theaters, housing and all kinds of public facilities.

Another major step was initiated in 1946. Eleven years before Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was "an undue burden on interstate commerce." The 1947 interracial Journey of Reconciliation tested bus and train adherence to the court decision for two weeks in Jim Crow states of the Upper South; 26 tests were made and 12 freedom riders arrested. The much more highly publicized Freedom Rides of 1961 extended the challenge into the Deep South, with arrests and brutal violence demanding the attention of the whole country and even the reluctant Kennedy administration. The Freedom Rides led to subsequent mass actions, voting rights legislation, the march on Washington, and the campaign for voting registration in the summer of 1964. This all had a major effect on the pattern of race relations in this country and is part of the legacy of the Gandhi event of 9/11/1906.

The Defiance Campaign, sponsored by the African National Congress of South Africa in 1952, also had a major effect on my life. In the tradition of Gandhi, the ANC carried out its nonviolent defiance of the apartheid laws of South Africa with over 8,500 arrests. CORE raised funds for legal defense and aid to families whose breadwinners were spending time in prison. The American Committee on Africa became part of one of the great movements of the 20th century - the struggle against apartheid and colonialism. I am reminded of Margaret Mead's truth: "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated and committed people can change the world. Indeed, nothing else ever has."

What relevance has this to us in our world today?

Even as protests against the war in Iraq have grown, so also has the American people's fear. The possibility of terrorism is used as a threat to keep people in line.

William Sloane Coffin, former pastor of Riverside Church in New York, outstanding preacher, peace and civil rights activist, wrote, "Hope has nothing to do with optimism. Its opposite is not pessimism, but despair. ... Hope criticizes what is, hopelessness rationalizes it. Hope resists, hopelessness adapts."

We are given hope because there was a Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat in Montgomery, Alabama.

We can take hope because Cindy Sheehan called attention to the evil of the war in Iraq.

We can take hope because 1st Lt. Ehren Watada faces a court martial because he refused to go to Iraq in what he calls an illegal war.

On Sept. 11, it is well to remember not only a tragic attack in New York, but the inauguration of a positive method of struggle against injustice and for peace with universal application. The struggle continues and we must always be looking for the next step, the next challenge.

Maybe it is with ourselves.

I think of A.J. Muste, long the head of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. One day when picketing the White House in opposition to the Vietnam war, a journalist asked, "Why do you demonstrate in the rain. Do you think you will change the country this way?"

"No," replied Muste, "I don't do this to change the country. I do this so the country won't change me."

George Houser is a former executive director of the Congress of Racial Equality, a founder and executive director of the American Committee on Africa and a retired United Methodist clergyman. He lives in Pomona, N.Y.

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Copyright © Santa Cruz Sentinel. All rights reserved.
The Advent of Satyagraha *
Gandhi, M. K.
Satyagraha in South Africa, Navajivan Trust, Ahmedabad, India Seventh Reprint, April 2003, pp. 95-102.

The meeting was duly held on September 11, 1906. It was attended by delegates from various places in the Transvaal . But I must confess that even I myself had not then understood all the implications of the resolutions I had helped to frame; nor had I gauged all the possible conclusions to which they might lead. The old Empire Theatre was packed from floor to ceiling. I could read in every face the expectation of something strange to be done or to happen. Mr. Abdul Gani, Chairman of the Transvaal British Indian Association, presided. He was one of the oldest Indian residents of the Transvaal , and partner and manager of the Johannesburg branch of the well-known firm of Mamad Kasam Kamrudin. The most important among the resolutions passed by the meeting was the famous Fourth Resolution by which the Indians solemnly determined not to submit to the Ordinance in the event of its becoming law in the teeth of their opposition and to suffer all the penalties attaching to such non-submission.

I fully explained this resolution to the meeting and received a patient hearing. The business of the meeting was conducted in Hindi or Gujarati; it was impossible therefore that any one present should not follow the proceedings. For the Tamils and Telugus who did not know Hindi there were Tamil and Telugu speakers who fully explained everything in their respective languages. The resolution was duly proposed, seconded and supported by several speakers one of whom was Sheth Haji Habib. He too was a very old and experienced resident of South Africa and made an impassioned speech. He was deeply moved and went so far as to say that we must pass this resolution with God as witness and must never yield a cowardly submission to such degrading legislation, He then went on solemnly to declare in the name of God that he would never submit to that law, and advised all present to do likewise. Others also delivered powerful and angry speeches in supporting the resolution. When in the course of his speech Sheth Haji Habib came to the solemn declaration, I was at once startled and put on my guard. Only then did I fully realize my own responsibility and the responsibility of the community. The community had passed many a resolution before and amended such resolutions in the light of further reflection or fresh experience. There were cases in which resolutions passed had not been observed by all concerned. Amendments in resolutions and failure to observe resolutions on the part of persons agreeing thereto are ordinary experiences of public life all the world over. But no one ever imports the name of God into such resolutions. In the abstract there should not be any distinction between a resolution and an oath taken in the name of God. When an intelligent man makes a resolution deliberately he never serves from it by a hair's breadth. With him his resolution carries as much weight as a declaration made with God as witness does. But the world takes on note of abstract principles and imagines an ordinary resolution and an oath in the name of God to be poles asunder. A man who makes an ordinary resolution is not ashamed of himself when he deviates from it, but a man who violates an oath administered to him is not only ashamed of himself, but is also looked upon by society as sinner. This imaginary distinction has struck such a deep root in the human mind that a person making a statement on oath before a judge is held to have committed an offence in law it the statement is proved to be false and receives drastic punishment.

Full of these thoughts as I was, possessing as I did much experience of solemn pledges, having profited by them, I was taken aback by Sheth Haji Habib's suggestion of an oath. I thought out the possible consequences of it in a moment. My perplexity gave place to enthusiasm. And although I had no intention of taking an oath or inviting others to do so when I went to the meeting, I warmly approved of the Sheth's suggestion. But at the same time it seemed to me that the people should be told of all the consequences and should have explained to them clearly the meaning of pledge. And if even then they were prepared to pledge themselves, they should be encouraged to do so; otherwise I must understand that they were not still ready to stand the final test. I therefore asked the President for permission to explain to the meeting the implications of Sheth Haji Habib's suggestion. The President readily granted it and I rose to address the meeting. I give bellow a summary of my remarks just as I can recall them now:

"I wish to explain to this meeting that there is a vast difference between this resolution and every other resolution we have passed up to date and that there is a wide divergence also in the manner of making it. It is a very grave resolution we are making, as our existence in South Africa depends upon our fully observing it. The manner of making the resolution suggested by our friend is as much of a novelty as f a solemnity. I did not come to the meeting with a view to getting the resolution passed in that manner, which redounds to the credit of Sheth Haji Habib as well as it lays a burden of responsibility upon him. I tender my congratulations to him. I deeply appreciate his suggestion, but if you adopt it you too will share his responsibility. You must understand what is this responsibility, and as an adviser and servant of the community, it is my duty fully to explain it to you.

"We all believe in one and the same God, the differences of nomenclature in Hinduism and Islam notwithstanding. To pledge ourselves or to take an oath in the name of that God or with him as witness is not something to be trifled with. If having taken such an oath we violate our pledge we are guilty before God and man. Personally I hold that a man, who deliberately and intelligently takes a pledge and then breads it, forfeits his manhood. And just as a copper coin treated with mercury not only becomes valueless when detected but also makes its owner liable to punishment, in the same way a man who lightly pledges his word and then breaks it becomes a man of straw and fits himself for punishment here as well as hereafter. Sheth Haji Habib is proposing to administer an oath of very serious character. There is no one in this meeting who can be classed as an infant or as wanting in understanding. You are all well advanced in age and have seen the world; many of you are delegates and have discharged responsibilities in a greater or lesser measure. No one present, therefore, can ever hope to excuse himself by saying that he did not know what he was about when he took the oath.

"I know that pledges and vows are, and should be, taken on rare occasions. A man who takes a vow every now and then is sure to stumble. But if I can imagine a crisis in the history of the Indian community of South Africa when it would be in the fitness of things to take pledges that crisis is surely now. There is wisdom in taking serious steps with great caution and hesitation. But caution and hesitation have their limits, and we have now passed them. The Government has taken leave of all sense of decency. We would only be betraying our unworthiness and cowardice, if we cannot stake our all in the face of the conflagration which envelopes us and sit watching it with folded hands. There is no doubt, therefore, that the present is a proper occasion for taking pledges. But every one of us must think out for himself if he has the will and the ability to pledge himself. Resolutions of this nature cannot passed by a majority vote. Only those who take a pledge can be bound by it. This pledge must not be taken with a view to produce an effect on outsiders. No one should trouble to consider what impression it might have upon the Local Government, the Imperial Government, or the Government of India. Every one must only search his own heart, and if the inner voice assures him that he has the requisite strength to carry him through, then only should he pledge himself and then only will his pledge bear fruit.

"A few words now as to the consequences. Hoping for the best, we may say that if a majority of the Indians pledge themselves to resistance and if all who take the pledge prove true to themselves, the Ordinance may not be passed and, if passed, may be soon repealed. It may be that we may not be called upon to suffer at all. But if on the hand a man who takes a pledge must be a robust optimist, on the other hand he must be prepared for the worst. Therefore I want to give you an idea of the worst that might happen to us in the present struggle. Imagine that of us present here numbering 3,000 at the most pledge ourselves. Imagine again that the remaining 10,000 Indians take no such pledge. We will only provoke ridicule in the beginning. Again, it is quite possible that in spite of the present warning some or many of those who pledge themselves may weaken at the very first trial. We many have to go to jail, where we many be insulted. We many have to go hungry and suffer extreme heat or cold. Hard labour may be imposed upon us. We may be flogged by rude warders. We may be fined heavily and our property may be attached and held up to auction if there are only a few resisters left. Opulent today we may be reduced to abject poverty tomorrow. We may be deported. Suffering from starvation and similar hardships in jail, some of us may fall ill and even die, In short, therefore, it is not at all impossible that we may have to endure every hardship that we can imagine, and wisdom lies in pledging ourselves on the understanding that we shall have to suffer all that and worse. If some one asks me when and how the struggle may end, I may say that if the entire community manfully stands the test, the end will be near. If many of us fall back under storm and stress, the struggle will be prolonged. But I can boldly declare, and with certainty, that so long as there is even a handful of men true to their pledge, there can only be one end to the struggle, and that is victory.

"A word about my personal responsibility. If I am warning you of the risks attendant upon the pledge, I am at the same time inviting you to pledge yourselves, and I am fully conscious of my responsibility in the matter. It is possible that a majority of those present here many take the pledge in a fit of enthusiasm or indignation but may weaken under the ordeal, and only a handful may be left to face the final test. Even then there is only one course open to some one like me, to die but not to submit to the law. It is quite unlikely but even if every one else flinched leaving me alone to face the music, I am confident that I would never violate my pledge. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying this out of vanity, but I wish to put you, especially the leaders upon the platform, on your guard. I wish respectfully to suggest it to you that if you have not the will or the ability to stand firm even when you are perfectly isolated, you must not only not take the pledge yourselves but you must declare your opposition before the resolution is put to the meeting and before its members begin to take pledges and you must not make yourselves parties to the resolution. Although we are going to take the pledge in a body, no one should imagine that default on the part of one or many can absolve the rest from their obligation. Every one should fully realize his responsibility, then only pledge himself independently of others and understand that he himself must be true to his pledge even unto death, no matter what others do."

I spoke to this effect and resumed me seat. The meeting heard me word by word in perfect quiet. Other leaders too spoke. All dwelt upon their own responsibility and the responsibility of the audience. The President rose. He too made the situation clear, and at last all present, standing with upraised hands, took an oath with God as witness not to submit to the Ordinance if it became law. I can never forget the scene, which is present before my mind's eye as I write. The community's enthusiasm knew no bounds. The very next day there was some accident in the theatre in consequence of which it was wholly destroyed by fire. On the third day friends brought me the news of the fire and congratulated the community upon this good omen, which signified to them that the Ordinance would meet the same fate us the theatre. I have never been influenced by such so-called signs and therefore did not attach any weight to the coincidence. I have taken note of it here only as a demonstration of the community's courage and faith. The reader will find in the subsequent chapters many more proofs of these two high qualities of the people.

The workers did not let the grass grow under their feet after this great meeting. Meetings were held everywhere and pledges of resistance were taken in every place. The principal topic of discussion in Indian Opinion now was the Black Ordinance.

At the other end, steps were taken in order to meet the Local Government. A deputation waited upon Mr. Duncan, the Colonial Secretary, and told him among other things about the pledges. Sheth Haji Habib, who was a member of the deputation, said, 'I cannot possibly restrain myself if any officer comes and proceeds to take my wife's finger prints, I will kill him there and then and die myself.' The Minister stared at the Sheth's face for a while and said, 'Government is reconsidering the advisability of making the Ordinance applicable to women, and I can assure you at once that the clauses relating to women will be deleted. Government have understood your feeling in the matter and desire to respect it. But as for the other provisions, I am sorry to inform you that Government is and will remain adamant. General Botha wants you to agree to this legislation after due deliberation. Government deem it to be essential to the existence of the Europeans. They will certainly consider any suggestions about details which you may make consistently with the objects of the Ordinance, and my advice to the deputation is that your interest lies in agreeing to the legislation and proposing changes only as regards the details.' I am leaving out here the particulars of the discussion with the Minister, as all those arguments have already been dealt with. The arguments were just the same, there was only a difference in phraseology as they were set forth before the Minister. The deputation withdrew, after informing him that his advice notwithstanding, acquiescence in the proposed legislation was out of the question, and after thanking Government for its intention of exempting women form its provisions, it is difficult to say whether the exemption of women was the first fruit of the community's agitation, or whether the Government as an afterthought made a concession to practical considerations which Mr. Curtis had ruled out of his scientific methods. Government claimed that it had decided to exempt women independently of the Indian agitation. Be that as it might, the community established to their own satisfaction a cause and effect relation between the agitation and the exemption and their fighting spirit rose accordingly.

None of us knew what name to give to our movement. I then used the term 'passive resistance' in describing it. I did not quite understand the implications of 'passive resistance' as I called it. I only knew that some new principle had come into being. As the struggle advanced, the phrase 'passive resistance' gave rise to confusion and it appeared shameful to permit this great struggle to be known only by an English name. Again, that foreign phrase could hardly pass as current coin among the community. A small prize was therefore announced in Indian Opinion t o be awarded to the reader who invented the best designation for our struggle. We thus received a number of suggestions. The meaning of the struggle had been then fully discussed in Indian Opinion and the competitors for the prize had fairly sufficient material to serve as a basis for their exploration. Shri Maganlal Gandhi was one of the competitors and he suggested the word 'Sadagraha,' meaning. 'firmness in a good cause.' I liked the work, but it did not fully represent the whole idea I wished it to connote. I therefore corrected it to 'Satyagraha.' Truth (Satya) implies love, and firmness (agraha) engenders and therefore serves as a synonym for force. I thus began to call the Indian movement 'Satyagraha,' that is to say, the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence, and gave up the use of the phrase 'passive resistance,' in connection with it, so much so that even in English writing we often avoided it and used instead the work 'Satyagraha' itself or some other equivalent English phrase, This then was the genesis of the movement which came to be known as `Satyagraha, and of the word used as a designation for it. Before we proceed any further with our history we shall do well to grasp the differences between passive resistance and Satyagraha, Which is the subject of our next chapter.

Gandhi, M. K., Satyagraha in South Africa, Navajivan Trust, Ahmedabad, India Seventh Reprint, April 2003, pp. 95-102.
Quote of the day:
"Under the influence of politicians, masses of people tend to ascribe the responsibility for wars to those who wield power at any given time. In World War I it was the munitions industrialists; in World War II it was the psychopathic generals who were said to be guilty. This is passing the buck.

The responsibility for wars falls solely upon the shoulders of these same masses of people, for they have all the necessary means to avert war in their own hands. In part by their apathy, in part by their passivity, and in part actively, these same masses of people make possible the catastrophes under which they themselves suffer more than anyone else. To stress this guilt on the part of the masses of people, to hold them solely responsible, means to take them seriously. On the other hand, to commiserate masses of people as victims, means to treat them as small, helpless children. The former is the attitude held by genuine freedom fighters; the latter that attitude held by power-thirsty politicians."

Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism

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